Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Finding Lost Super We Break Down The Process For You

Have you lost your superannuation funds and are wondering how exactly you should go about trying to find lost super? The process to find my superannuation can be long and confusing for most people, especially if they do not know much about how the superannuation funds work.

Find lost super Understanding any process always helps to work faster and to a quicker solution more free of loopholes. That is why, if you are trying to find lost superannuation funds and are confused about where you should start looking, then we encourage you to understand the concept of super funds and just how they perform, from starting.

What exactly is a super fund? If you are in the dark about the whole concept, then the basic idea is this: super funds are funds that saved up so that you can retire with ease. This is an extremely beneficial policy executed by the government and works for most people in or nearing the age of retirement. However, it is also true the every one person out of two people living in Australia has lost track of their super funds. This is a great loss for you and your family for, without doubt, you have worked all your life so that your super fund may add up, or, in formal terms, 'accumulate'.

Super funds add up over a working citizen's lifetime. This happens as a result of his or her employer adding money to the super fund for every month or year of service. Currently, the employer is required to contribute and deposit 9.25% of an employee's salary towards the super fund. However, in coming times, the amount required to be deposited in the super fund is changing. In the coming five years, super fund deposits are expected to change from the current 9.25% to a higher 12%. This is guaranteed by the government and is called the Super Guarantee. No employer can escape paying super to their employees; the government has made it the law for every employer to pay the required amount of super to the employee for services rendered.

Keep in mind that all employers are expected to pay super every quarter of a year. This is the maximum amount of time that an employer may take to pay super to their employee, and some employers have taken to paying much more regularly than that, even monthly. To keep track of super being deposited into your account, be aware of how often your employer plans to pay super. It is required that your pay slip shows the amount of super money that has been deposited into your account every term, along with the date on which it was paid.

While you must always keep conscious track of the fact that your employer is paying regularly, you must also check that he or she is paying the right amount. Sometimes employers don't, in which case employees lose out and have to find lost super. To avoid this, make careful checks and balances to ensure that you retire happily.

Aussie Superfinder is the author and also the CEO of www.aussiesuperfinder.com.au. Here he discuss about Find lost super and superannuation account. visit here to know more and contact aussie, and also follow

This content has been taken from : http://aussiesuperfinder.wordpress.com/2014/05/20/finding-lost-super-we-break-down-the-process-for-you/

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

A Guide For Lost Superannuation Australia

Nowadays several people are there who have lost all their contacts availing the super accounts and the vital part is that these people are not at all aware about such loss. What always happens that most of the time people shift to some other house, change their current address, their address of where they are working or even to their names but forgot to make a notification t the fund authorities. Also at times the employer under whom you are working is not serious enough to make the payment of superannuation contributions or even at time you may lose all your contributions within the system.

Lost superannuation Australia However with all these bad news there is also something good about it. You have all the ability to still track all the contributions that you have made of and claim for your lost superannuation Australia or around. If in any case you are having some feelings that some trouble is arising, then the very first step will be contacting the department of human resource and question them about the key term 'superannuation'. However it is a better idea to be informed about everything before you make an initiation to the name of the employers.

Following are the various means which will be utilized for helping people in find lost super of them:

Super seeker: This happens to be a search tool that is all available online and is specially provided by the Taxation Office of Australia. This is especially proffered for helping common people in making the search of their contributions in lost superannuation funds. This very tool will be making a rigorous search of the registers of ATO, Australian Taxation Office, for lost or unclaimed super.

Rollover funds: Generally when one looses their super, it gets transferred to some holding funds which in common terms are called as 'rollover funds'. Altogether there exists sixteen such funds. The reason for such is that at times the tool 'SuperSeeker' may not find lost superannuation australia where you will be forced to make a search on each of the funds that are tagged as 'eligible rollover funds'. And this is the place where a reputable company can prove their excellence. The company will be assisting you in every way where they will be making contact with all of them and the best part is that you would end up finding your contribution in any of the funds.

A lookup of the super funds: This stands as another tool which finds the money that is being left over into some particular super funds instead of a roller fund.

One needs to note it down that as many accounts you will be keeping; you will be having higher fees for keeping all. If you do a bit calculation, then perhaps you would better know the real fact. If you hold a single account then you can save a lot which you may make investment during your time of necessities.

Thus lost superannuation Australia can best be located and gained.

Aussie Superfinder, the author and the founder of www.aussiesuperfinder.com.au. Here he describes about Lost superannuation Australia and superannuation account. visit this to contact aussie, and follow

This content has been taken from : http://aussiesuperfinder.wordpress.com/2014/05/13/a-guide-for-lost-superannuation-australia/

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

The Ways of Finding My Lost Superannuation

How does superannuation works and how one can find superannuation?Find my superannuation

Alike to the different types of long time investments, a fund always makes its working on the basis of its compound interest. Now the very term 'compound interest' can offer an assurance not including the entire financial meltdown which even a humblest financer can earn himself a million of bucks as he retires. And quite obviously one needs to make a lot of investment regularly or substantially. Hence it comes as significant to ensure that you have earned the maximum out of your bonuses and incentives which will enhance to make it understand the keyword 'find my superannuation'. It also makes an inclusion about the superannuation and your contributions towards getting back your from being lost.

The post is solely intended for giving you an idea on how and why one should find their superannuation and claim for such in their contributions:

There exist altogether two vital reasons for which you can lose your contribution to superannuation.

1. Firstly it is the employer who would not be paying your superannuation contribution
2. Secondly it is losing the superannuation within the system

Each of the above dealt possibilities can easily be solved and all has been possible because of two tools that get proffered by the Taxation Office of Australia:

1. You may feel that either your boss or the company will not be making payment of your superannuation contribution: For your superannuation contribution your company is going to be your major contributors. If you are able enough to qualify the superannuation and find your superannuation contribution then it will be the responsibility of the employer to make the payments. In your initial step if in any case you find it to raise any kind of problem then before opting for any other steps, straight contact with your employer or the department of human resource. Also, it would be a better idea to make a check about your qualification for the same before you actually make any call to your employer.

2. You found that the contribution to your superannuation is lost within the system: Most of the Taxation Offices embraces an informative website informing about the various ways of Find lost super which moreover can enable you in calling them. Your beginning step should be making a check to the list. The office of taxation on the other hand maintains a list within which they keep a record of the contributors where their super funds are running loss of contribution. And LMR is the abbreviation for this list which is spelt as 'Lost Members Register'. Within the list you can make yourself appear in a lot many reasons such as employer change or even the change of address. But it can be concluded as one of the best ways from where you can start looking for your superannuation which called "Find my superannuation".

The next step comes in making use of the tool named as 'Super Seeker' which is also provided by the same Office of Taxation.

Aussie Superfinder is the author of this content and also the CEO of aussie super finder. Here he describes about find superannuation and all about superannuation account. check this out to contact the author, and also follow on

This content has been taken from : http://aussiesuperfinder.wordpress.com/2014/05/06/the-ways-of-finding-my-lost-superannuation/

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Finding Lost Superannuation Funds

If you have spent time working for someone, you owe it to yourself to keep track of your superannuation funds. Sometimes, a change in name, job or address may cause you to lose track of at least some part of your superannuation fund, also known as super. Another reason why a lot of people Lost superannuation in Australia because they have multiple superannuation funds. If you do have multiple supers, you may be paying more in the form of fees and charges that might be actually depleting your super.

Lost superannuation funds With state of the art online services, it is no longer hard to get a hold on your lost superannuation. There are services that you can use to check all of your super funds, if you hold multiple funds. There are many many millions of worth of Find lost super. You can go online and check if any of these belong to you. You can then use the online services to transfer the lost super to any account that you want. Before you begin your search online, you will have to be ready with your name, birth date and tax file number. If the government and your employer are not holding the lost super, chances are that the lost super is being held by the Australian Taxation Office, also known as the ATO. You can also contact the ATO for your lost super over the phone.

Some precautionary measures that you can take that you can take to ensure that you do not lose any super is to go through your annual super statement carefully. Most people toss the super statement into the recycle bin as soon as they receive it. That is the biggest mistake that they make. First, whether you get your super statement in paper form or by email, it is important to give it a good, sharp look. The first thing that you must look for is the balance. Match the balance at the start of the year with the year end balance. If there appears to be a discrepancy, get in touch with your super fund right away. Also, when you are checking your super statement, make sure that you have received all the contribution from your employer. Also, see that any extra contributions that you made have been credited to your account.

Another thing to watch out for is whether you are paying excessive fees. If you feel you are paying far too much by way of fees, you could consider switching super funds. Also, see that you are paying the correct amount of taxes. If you check your super funds statement rigorously, chances are that you will not have any lost superannuation funds at all. If you want to be in a place where the super funds will benefit you in your retirement, you need to take charge of things as soon as possible. That way, you will not be spending hours at the last moment looking for lost superannuation funds. Keeping a track at all times is the best thing possible.

Aussie Superfinder, the author and the owner of www.aussiesuperfinder.com.au is ready and waiting to help people locate and consolidate their lost and inactive Super accounts. Click here to contact him, or follow

This content has been taken from : http://aussiesuperfinder.wordpress.com/2014/04/30/finding-lost-superannuation-funds/